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Returning row number on MS Access

I have 4 tables, from which i select data with help of joins in select query...I want a serial no.(row number) per record as they are fetched. first fetched record should be 1, next 2 and so on...

In oracle the equiavelent in RowNum.


The answer by Brettski is ASP flavored and would need a lot of editing.

SELECT DCOUNT("YourField","YourTable","YourField <=  " & [counter] & " ") 
  AS RowNumber,  
  YourField as counter FROM YourTable;  

Above is your basic syntax. You are likely to find this runs very slow. My typical solution is a bucket table with Autonumber field. That seems kludgy, but it gives me control and probably in this case it allows speed.

Using a sorted Make Table Query in Access, I use the following (wouldn t work if you look at the Query, as that would increment the number when you don t want it to)....

setRowNumber  resetting increment before running SQL
DoCmd.RunSQL ... , rowNumber([Any Field]) AS ROW, ...

 Increment Number: Used to create temporary sorted Table for export
Private ROWNUM As Long

 dummyField: must take an input to update in Query
Public Function rowNumber(ByVal dummyField As Variant, Optional ByVal incBy As Integer = 1) As Long
    ROWNUM = ROWNUM + incBy  increments before value is returned
    rowNumber = ROWNUM
End Function

Public Function setRowNumber(Optional ByVal setTo As Long = 0) As Long
    ROWNUM = setTo
    setRowNumber = ROWNUM
End Function

With the following table


    firstName VARCHAR(32), 
    lastName VARCHAR(32) 

INSERT people VALUES( Aaron ,  Bertrand ) 
INSERT people VALUES( Andy ,  Roddick ) 
INSERT people VALUES( Steve ,  Yzerman ) 
INSERT people VALUES( Steve ,  Vai ) 
INSERT people VALUES( Joe ,  Schmoe )

You can use a sub query to create the counting row:

    rank = COUNT(*), 
    people a  
    INNER JOIN people b 
        a.lastname > b.lastname 
            a.lastName = b.lastName 
            a.firstName >= b.firstName 

The problem with this method is that the count will be off if there are duplicates in your results set.

This article explains pretty well how to add a row counting column to your query.

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Returning row number on MS Access

I have 4 tables, from which i select data with help of joins in select query...I want a serial no.(row number) per record as they are fetched. first fetched record should be 1, next 2 and so on... In ...
