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Access: editing a field that is bound to an expression rather than a field
  • 时间:2009-11-09 16:26:18
  •  标签:
  • ms-access

On a continouos form in ms-access, I have a record source similar to

  col_2 & " " & col_3 as col_expr

and then I have bound col_expr to a text box on that form.

When I open the form, it displays the value of col_2 & " " & col_3 correctly in the textbox. Obviously, editing the value within the text box doesn t work because its value is derived from an expression rather than from a field in the table. Accordingly, access prohibits me from doing so: when I click into the field, I cannot alter anything in the field.

I understand that behaviour. Yet, I am looking for a method to override that behaviour. That is, I want to be able to enter a value into that field and (for example) in its BeforeUpdate event retrieve the entered value and do a custom-insert/update and then set cancel to true.

Is this possible?


It may suit to use a work around, for example, display a hidden textbox for the update and dynamically rewrite the sql using the new data.

EDIT re Comment Alternatively you could show a small form for editing any record in the continuous form.


You could fire off an update query on the “After Update” event of that text box. After validating the data of course.

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