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Have log entries forced to a single line when using p&p EntLib logging block

I am using the patterns & practices enterprise library (p&p EntLib) logging block to write to a text file.

Some of the log message contain multiple lines which I would like to force to become a single line - in other words replacing the & with a space in the log messages prior to them being written to the file.

How do I configure the logging block for this, if this is possible?


From memory you will need to create a custom formatter, something similar to this link.


What about performing a string replace on your message to substitute spaces for newlines?


Configure your Formatter template something like:

  <add template="{timestamp}: {category}: {severity}: {message}"
    type="Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Formatters.TextFormatter, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
    name="My Text Formatter" />

Then in your code replace the new lines with a space (this could be done in one centralized helper method):

string message = @"This is 
the message
to log.";

message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ");

This should result in a log file that looks like:

11/11/2009 2:52:01 PM: My Category Event: Information: This is  the message to log.
11/11/2009 2:53:47 PM: My Category Event: Information: More test to log to the  file.

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