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How to include files from remote server in Eclipse project without copy to local PC?

I have to PC, one is server on Linux containing project files ( also build machine ) and another working desktop machine on WinXP. I want to create a project in Eclipse on my desktop machine without coping files to local machine, actually I want to be able to modify remote files and immediately run build, unlike modifying local files and synchronizing with remote project.Is it possible?



Mount a volume through SAMBA?

That s what I used to do prior to moving to Linux only.

One caveat with using Samba mounts with Eclipse: if you are using libraries (like Google s licensing code, etc) there are problems with Samba mounts. I couldn t get my project to work (using WinXP with a FreeBSD file server) with the licensing library (I would add the library, get a green checkmark and close the box... then when I d open the box again, I d get a red X... I later found a posting that indicated this was a problem with Samba mounts and Eclipse, and when I copied everything to the local disk, it worked fine.)

The eclipse plugin RSE ( remote system explorer ) allow to access and modify remote files without copying files locally

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