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Conditional uninstall of previous version in Wix

I m doing an installer for an software used for debugging embedded ARM cores (OpenOCD) and this installer automatically removes the previous versions - that s simple. However, sometimes that would be desirable to have more than just one version installed (each version has it s own folder, so there s no conflict here) due to various (in-)compatibility issues etc.

I m trying to create an installer which would have an option in the Feature tree (or anywhere else) to uninstall (or not) the previous version.

Basically there is this install sequence:

    <Custom Action="NewerVersionDetected" After="FindRelatedProducts">DOWNGRADE</Custom>
    <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallFinalize"/>

I know that RemoveExistingProducts can be made conditional by putting a condition between RemoveExistingProducts tags but... what should the condition be? There s a lot of info about making features conditional or about conditions like OS version and some registry entries, but I haven t found any useful info about "user-defined conditions"...

Let s say that in the feature tree there is this element:

<Feature Id="UninstallOlderVersionFeature" Title="Uninstal previous versions" Level="1" Description="..."/>

How to make uninstallation previous version conditional on this feature (or any other method the user could select during the installation - a question box or a separate window or whatever it takes)?

Any help appreciated (by me and the users of the installer), as I m not very good in Wix and XML (I m an embedded person (; )

If any more details on the whole Wix file are required - tell me and I ll post relevant bits.


Try this:

<RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallFinalize">

It is the state wether the feature is selected. "3" says that the Feature is selected for installation.



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