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wix custom dialog for config edit

hi i m trying make a setup msi for my application with wix v3 I have a problem about this task; I need a user input that will be stored in my application s config file (for example i need a dialog for sql connection string and the user input will be written in application config file.)

I tried to google but got nothing worked

Any help is greatly appreciated.


You ll need to do three things:

  1. Create a custom property:

     <Product ...>
       <Property Id="SQLSERVER" /> ... 
  2. Add a custom dialog to your Wix UI to capture the user input and store it to a property. This tutorial should help you with that.

  3. In the component that installs your web.config file, use the XmlFile element to update your web.config with the value of your property:

     <util:XmlFile Id="UpdateConnectionStringInConfigSection" File="[ROOT_DRIVE]inetpub/wwwroot/$(var.ProductName)/web.config" Action="setValue" ElementPath="/configuration/connectionStrings/add[[]@name=&quot;ConnectionString&quot;[]]/@connectionString" Value="[SQLSERVER]" Permanent="yes" />


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