A suggestion:
It being for a honeypot system (and unless the baddies are really whacking the application/site), you may consider taking the extra time to log to a database instead.
This will make the analysis and usage of the logs easier, and real-time (i.e. you do not need to go through the ETL process prior to analyzing / browsing the logs.
This said being in a DB table(s) or in file(s), this doesn t preclude the need to define a format. Tentatively, you can have a "polymorphic" format, with a few common attributes (ID, IP address, Timestamp, Cookie/ID, "level" [of importance/urgency]) followed by a short mnemonic code defining a particular event type (say "LIA" = login attempt, "GURL" = guessed url, "SQLI" SQL Injection attempt etc...) followed by a few numeric fields, and a few string fields which semantics will vary as per the mnemonic. To summarize:
- Id
- TimeStamp (maybe split in date and time)
- IP_Address
- UserID_of_sorts
- // other generic/common fields that you may think of
- EventCode (LIA, GURL, SQLI...)
- Message Text message (varies with particular event instance)
- Int1 // Numbers...
- Int2
- Str1 // ...and text which meaning varies with the EventCode
- Str2
- //... ?
Now... regardless of this going to a flat file or to SQL database (and maybe particularly if going to DB), you could/should use a standard logging library. Maybe log4j as suggested in other replies (although I m not sure if it readily has bindings in Python, and anyway, the Python s standard logging module is +/- the same...) or even the Python s standard library s logging module can probably be tailored for your needs.