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Error on YUI Anim sample
  • 时间:2009-11-16 05:16:30
  •  标签:
  • yui

I m getting an error when trying to emulate an YUI Anim sample:

<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.0.0/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>
   YUI().use( anim-base , function(Y){
      var anim =  new Y.Anim({
         node:  .notice ,
         to: {height: 300},
         easing: Y.Easing.backIn

      onClick = function(e){

      Y.get( .notice ).on( click , onClick);

The error is:

Y.Easing is undefined easing: Y.Easing.backIn

I was under the impression that YUI loader would retrieve the needed files.


I got my answer from the YUI Library forum which I will quote:

YUI will load listed modules a their requirements automatically, however, it will not do any kind of full-fledged feature detection to discover if something else have been used.

You need to change the module list in your use statement from anim-base to anim (or add anim-easing). Then your example will work. -Stefan


Adding anim-easing, in this case, seems like the right answer -- use() just the submodules you need. Stefan is correct, though: You need to list all the submodules that you re depending on directly in your implementation.

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