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Are multiple UIView animation callbacks a bad idea (i.e. cause mem issues)?

I have multiple UIView animations running in my app. They are very short, and then make callbacks to a method that then usually fires off another animation. This leads to a lot of little animations running at the same time, each firing back callbacks.

This actually performs pretty well, and for the first few levels (the app is a game), no problems are observed. However, as you continue to play deeper into the game, I m starting to get memory warnings and ultimately crashes. I ve put NSLog in all of my dealloc methods, so I can see that everything is being properly released and dealloc d. I ve also run static analysis on the app and fixed anything it found.

The weird part to me is this: Shouldn t any performance problems caused by running multiple animations be processor bound (i.e. shouldn t I see a bunch of slowdown and such)? It seems that everything performs just fine, it just runs up memory too fast and there s nothing more I can free. Is there something in the framework on the UIView side of things that will need lots of memory to do these operations? Is there perhaps a leak in the framework I need to avoid when doing these?

Additional note: I m animating a custom class that extends UIView and has a label and a UIImageView inside of them.


Multiple animation shouldn t cause memory warnings..

I suggest you should run Instruments for Leaks, ObjectAlloc & CPU Samplers.. That would give a much better view than NSLogs in dealloc


You don t show any code so it s hard to give specific advice, however, have you considered using Core Animation layers instead of UIViews? If you need to animate text, you ll have to use a view since there is no CATextLayer on the phone, however, Core Animation provides the facilities to draw complex sprites in a 2d space making it a great candidate for many games.

Best Regards.

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