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Testdriven.net not available in the right-click context menu

Testdriven.net not available in the right-click context menu??

  1. Check which edition of Visual Studio you have - you cannot install add-ins to Visual Studio Express editions.
  2. Check you have actually installed TestDriven.Net.
  3. Check the TestDriven.Net add-in is enabled in Visual Studio by going to Tools -> Add-in Manager and making sure the checkbox next to it is ticked, and that the Startup checkbox is also ticked.


Gallio TestDriven.Net testing problem

I have a tdd system , where I use Gallio 3.1 with TestDriven.Net . I ve downloaded the patches for them. 1) I m getting this stack and the test wouldn t stop - SRCSRV: cmd /c svn.exe cat "http://mb-...

TestDriven.net NCover problem

I cannot run NCover. I get the error: NCover couldn t create a coverage report I m running it via TestDriven.net. I am using MSTest and also have resharper 4.2 installed. There isnt a problem with ...
