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Basic samples for shader in Managed DirectX

I am new write a pixel shader and use in my managed directx project, where i can get some basic sample to start it.


I m assuming you know how to create a device.

First, you need to prepare the shader itself.

Here s a little sample pixel shader (which uses pixel shader 1.4, as seen by ps_1_4; r0 is a register that is read as the final result; v0 is a register that stores primary colour (of diffuse lighting)):

mov r0, v0

This shader, which is in shader assembly, has to be assembled. You can do that as follows (note that you need D3DX library referenced, otherwise you won t see the ShaderLoader class):

Imports Microsoft.DirectX

  other code

Dim graphicsStream As GraphicsStream = Direct3D.ShaderLoader.FromString(shaderText, Nothing, Direct3D.ShaderFlags.None)

  other code.

After assembling the shader, you can finally create a PixelShader object as follows:

  other code

Dim p As Direct3D.PixelShader = New Direct3D.PixelShader(Device, graphicsStream)

  other code

To apply the pixel shader, use:

  other code

Device.PixelShader = p

  other code

where Device is the Direct3D Device.

A similar process applies for compiling shaders in case you use HLSL.

Edit: Just noticed this was an year old question.



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