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How to run CUDA without a GPU using a software implementation?
  • 时间:2009-11-18 05:00:24
  •  标签:
  • cuda
  • nvidia

My laptop doesn t have a nVidia graphic cards, and I want to work on CUDA. The website says that CUDA can be used in emulation mode on non-cuda hardware too. But when I tried installing CUDA drivers downloaded from their website, it gives an error "The nvidia setup couldn t locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware. Setup will now exit".

Also when I tried to run sample codes from SDK in Visual studio 2008, I m getting an error that .obj file is not found.


The easiest way to get started with GPU development is to get a cheap (for example GTX285) GPU and a desktop computer (obviously since u can t change the GPU in your laptop).

There are a few research projects on getting CUDA kernels to work efficiently on CPUs as well as on FPGAs (Google wen mei hwu and see his research projects) however if you want to learn CUDA this is not for you, as said above the easiest way is to get some cheap hardware.

Have you downloaded the CUDA toolkit? You ll need to download the toolkit (which includes the compiler and the runtime library) and the SDK. When you are building the SDK samples be sure to change the configuration to "EmuDebug" or "EmuRelease".

Nowadays we have OpenCL. It s works on almost every hardware you can have: CPUs, GPUs (nvidia or amd), APUs, FPGAs etc.

(I reached here searching for CUDA compilation in a non nvidia hardware - for comparison purposes with OpenCL - but apparently it s still works on nvidia only. Sad :/).

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