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Delphi: Proper time to subclass, and restore, a control?

What is the correct place/time to start subclassing a control?

What is the proper time to restore the original window proc?

Right now i subclass during form creation:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   FOldPanel1WindowProc := Panel1.WindowProc;
   Panel1.WindowProc := Panel1WindowProc;

and i restore the subclassing during form destruction:

procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
   Panel1.WindowProc := FOldPanel1WindowProc;

This works fine, as long as i don t use ThemeManager, which subclasses controls itself. As soon as a try to subclass a control that ThemeManager also sub-classes, i get very nasty errors.

i assume it s becuase i should not start the subclass during Create and restore it during Destroy. So what is the properly documented time to subclass and unsubclass a control in Delphi?


It s not clear from your question but I assume you get the errors when you re trying to restore the old window procedure in the form s OnDestroy event handler.

ThemeManager reverts its subclassing when processing WM_DESTROY for a control. Therefore you probably have to do the same: watch for WM_DESTROY in your new window procedure and revert your subclassing first, then call the old window procedure (and let ThemeManager do the same thing).

I haven t tested this but I think it should work.



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