You could use SetTimer to generate a WM_TIMER event 20 times a second or so
SetTimer( NULL, kMyTimer, 50, MyTimerCallback );
Then implement a function as follows.
void CALLBACK MyTimerCallback( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime )
static short lastLeftAltPress = 0;
short thisLeftAltPress = GetAsyncKeyState( VK_LMENU );
if ( thisLeftAltPress != 0 && lastLeftAltPress == 0 )
thisLeftAltPress = lastLestAltPress;
// Handling code for other keys goes here.
This will then poll the keyboard every 50ms to find out if the left alt key has just been pressed and then call your handling code. If you want to fire the handler when its released then you would use the following if statement
if ( thisLeftAltPress == 0 && lastLeftAltPress != 0 )
or if you just want to see if it is down then you do
if ( thisLeftAltPress != 0 )
The docs for GetAsyncKeyState do state that you can check whether the lowest bit is set to see if the key has just been pressed but it does also point out that this may fail in unexpected ways in multi-threaded environments. The above scheme should always work.