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Blank when NaN in jqGrid cells

How to set blank instead of NaN in jqGrid cells ? Using formatter ? Is there an example?


This is REALLY old but the jqGrid documentation didn t have an easy answer and this question pulls up first in Google results when I was looking for the same answer.

I was able to display a blank cell instead of a 0 when using the predefined formatter option for an integer using this code:

{ name:  Quantity , formatter:  integer , formatoptions: { defaultValue:   } }

The defaultValue is just set to blank.

I would not rewrite the custom formatter -- but override it (or make a new one)! That way, when a new version of jQgrid comes out, you don t overwrite your custom wrapper.

For example, my users don t want to see the value if it is 0, so I do this:

$.fn.fmatter.currency = function (cellval, opts) {
    if (cellval == 0) {
        return   ;
    var op = $.extend({},opts.currency);
    if(!isUndefined(opts.colModel.formatoptions)) {
        op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
    if(isEmpty(cellval)) {
        return op.defaultValue;
    return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);

But I could also call it:


In your case, I would do this:

$.fn.fmatter.currency = function (cellval, opts) {
    if (cellval == null) {
        return   ;
    var op = $.extend({},opts.currency);
    if(!isUndefined(opts.colModel.formatoptions)) {
        op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
    if(isEmpty(cellval)) {
        return op.defaultValue;
    return $.fmatter.util.NumberFormat(cellval,op);

On the server, before you return your data as XML/JSON/whatever, try setting DBNull values equal to a blank string.

Alternatively, if it is acceptable to display NULL values as 0, you could modify your SQL along these lines:

SELECT IsNull(my_amount, 0)

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Blank when NaN in jqGrid cells

How to set blank instead of NaN in jqGrid cells ? Using formatter ? Is there an example?
