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PCSC-Lite Codes on Windows

I ve successfully built a program that can read Mifare 1K Card using Qt on Linux. So now, I would like it to run on Windows. From what I ve gathered, there s no PCSC-Lite port on Windows and I need to use winscard from Windows SDK. I ve downloaded it and I got lots of undefined reference errors from my Qt in Windows (with MingW). For example:

release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x48e): undefined reference to `pcsc_stringify_error 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x5e9): undefined reference to `pcsc_stringify_error 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x7ed): undefined reference to `pcsc_stringify_error 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x2e56): undefined reference to `SCardListReaderGroups 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x3adc): undefined reference to `SCardListReaders 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x3cc6): undefined reference to `SCardListReaders 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x3f88): undefined reference to `SCardGetStatusChange 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x4274): undefined reference to `SCardConnect 
release/ReadCard.o:ReadCard.cpp:(.text+0x4d1b): undefined reference to `SCardGetStatusChange

I ve also tried specifying these libraries in the project, but still failed.

LIBS += -lwinscard -lpcsclite WinSCard.Lib

It s been a while and I ve managed to solve this using headers from the example that comes with my reader. My .pro file looks like this

win32 { 
    HEADERS += MainWindow.h 
    INCLUDEPATH += C:/Omnikey/Include
    LIBS += C:/Omnikey/Lib/winscardn.lib
unix { 
    HEADERS += MainWindow.h 
    LIBS += -lpcsclite

I m not sure if this solution can be used with other type of readers, but it sure solved mine.


Theoretically speaking, pcsc-lite is a port of Windows PC/SC stack to UNIX machines. Windows PC/SC implementation is the "reference implementation" which pcsc-lite mimics. Not all Windows SCard functions are implemented in pcsc-lite and there are even minor differences, documented in pcsc-lite documentation

Don t know about the Qt specifics, but some notes:

  • pcsc_stringify_error is a pcsc-lite specific function. It does not exist in Windows
  • there is no pcsclite library on Windows or mingw, so you probably need different build files for Windows.
  • have a look at OpenSC and how it makes use of PC/SC(-lite) and if you re building with mingw, have a look at the "build" project. internal-winscard.h from OpenSC might be of interest to you as well.

Except for the pcsc_stringify_error, your problems are with generic Windows linking and Qt (qmake?) build system.

i ran into the same problem, being unable to use winscard from the Windows SDK together with the minGW compiler. A quick fix is to use the MSVC++ compiler (if you have access to it offcourse..) instead of minGW (you ll need to build Qt itself using the MSVC++ compiler also).

Probably its also possible to get this working with minGW but i didn t look into it any further..

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