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原标题:Google Wave Gadget: gadgets.window is undefined


gadgets.window.adjustH()应改为gadgets.util.register OnLoadHandler(gadgets.window.adjustHala), becouse gadgets. 在你开始种植甘蔗时,窗户可能不会装上。


Google gadget/spreadsheet: Grab spreadsheet key for gadget

So I m working on a google gadget(really only gadgetizing so I can get a datastore for this) that I want to be embeddable in a google spreadsheet (after this point, I m going to skip the word google - ...

prefs.set, prefs.getString not working in google gadgets

I am initialising the user prefs and i am setting and getting numeric prefs but i do not seems to be able to get and set string prefs. the prefs i initialise are not altered later on in the gadget, ...

Any Tips for Writing a Google Gadget / Google Android App?

I m going to be starting on a project building a Google Gadget and a Google Android with similar functionality. I ve read through a bit of the documentation, but before I start I thought I d ask if ...

google gadget and sites api

I m writing a google gadget (nothing but plain html + javascript) to upload a file onto a private google site using the sites api. http://code.google.com/apis/sites/docs/1.0/developers_guide_protocol....

How to create embeddable gadget with Javascript and PHP?

I m programming in Javascript and PHP. I ve created a simple website that allows to fill in a quizz and get result. Now I would like to give users opportunity to embed this quizz on their website. How ...

gadgets.Prefs in type url Google Gadget

Is it possible to access gadgets.Prefs in content of type="url"? <Content type="url" href="remote address"></Content> gadgets.Prefs is set in content of configuration <Content ...

Google Wave extension for Programmers and their Code

Sorry if this is well known but Googling for my answer only came up with links about making Google Wave gadgets. My question is, are there any Google Wave gadgets that allow for better collaborative ...