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Random 2d movement (similar to flies) in Unity3d

I want to add random movement to some of my game objects similar to the way flies swarm in Unity3D. I ve developed a method using the addforce() method but would like to bypass the physics engine.

Any help is appriciated


Simple 2D random movement:

var speed = 0.5;

function Update () {
    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,
                     transform.position + Vector3((Random.value-0.5) * speed, 0, 
                     (Random.value-0.5)*speed), Time.time);


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Random 2d movement (similar to flies) in Unity3d

I want to add random movement to some of my game objects similar to the way flies swarm in Unity3D. I ve developed a method using the addforce() method but would like to bypass the physics engine. ...
