I am trying to write an extension for nautilus, which add an item to the menu that appears when you right-click a file (as shown in image)
However, I would like to add a submenu to my custom menu item.
I downloaded a nautilus-python package which includes examples of how to write extensions for Nautilus (and so far it turned out to be the best/only documentation i found). In it, is a file called submenu.py, which contains the following:
import nautilus
class ExampleMenuProvider(nautilus.MenuProvider):
def get_file_items(self, window, files):
menuitem = nautilus.MenuItem( ExampleMenuProvider::Foo , Foo , )
submenu = nautilus.Menu()
menuitem = nautilus.MenuItem( ExampleMenuProvider::Bar , Bar , )
return menuitem,
# FIXME: Why isn t this working?
def get_background_items(self, window, file):
submenu = nautilus.Menu()
submenu.append_item(nautilus.MenuItem( ExampleMenuProvider::Bar , Bar , ))
menuitem = nautilus.MenuItem( ExampleMenuProvider::Foo , Foo , )
return menuitem,
ps: i didn t add "# FIX ME: Why isnt this working?". that is actually included in the example
The code doesn t work. Even if i take out the second function and leave just the first one, it doesn t work.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.