I m trying to simply prove here that this simple function isn t good enough to prevent every sql injection in the world:
Function CleanForSQL(ByVal input As String) As String
Return input.Replace(" ", " ")
End Function
Here is a typical insert statement from one of our apps:
Database.DBUpdate("UPDATE tblFilledForms SET Text1 = " + CleanForSQL(txtNote.Text) + " WHERE FilledFormID = " + DGVNotes.SelectedRows(0).Cells("FilledFormID").Value.ToString)
I know its not secure, because of googling and looking up other questions on StackOverflow.com. Here is one question that I found in which all functions such as the one I presented above are irrelevant and pointless.
So based on the post I linked to, simply typing
Chr(8); update tblMaint SET Value1 = 2 WHERE ValueID = 2--
into txtNote should be enough to clear every value in text1 in the entire tblFilledForms table, and then update the tblmaint table s second row to be 2 correct?
What SHOULD happen here is that VB will interpret this as
UPDATE tblFilledForms SET Text1 = Chr(8); update tblMaint SET Value1 = 2 WHERE ValueID = 2-- WHERE FilledFormID = 5120327
and send it to SQL which will intern execute the Chr(8) to erase the third which would produce
UPDATE tblFilledForms SET Text1 = ; update tblMaint SET Value1 = 2 WHERE ValueID = 2-- WHERE FilledFormID = 5120327
to be actually executed on the database correct?
I then coppied a Chr(8) from the clipboard and replaced the Chr(8) in the textbox with the clipboard contents and still a no-go. It puts the whole string directly into the field w/o problems.
So what am I doing wrong here? or what else can I do to break it?
Technologies and background: I m using MS SQL Server 2005, and VB .NET 2005. the Text1 field in the database is a Varchar(600) field (don t ask my why its not MAX, its pointless, i know) There are certain triggers on the table that would prevent a mass update such as this and throw some errors if the injection actually worked right.
PS. I know parametrized queries are the way to go here and I m not looking for answers like "well i dunno why it doesn t work, but parametrized queries are the way to go". I m looking for the ability to prove that our software is broken and that we need to rewrite it using better principles.
To anyone reading this question to figure out how to better filter your text fields, the answer is DON T! Use the parameters! they are much better, safer, and easier!