English 中文(简体)
probability of deck of cards [closed]
    pick a random index j between 1 and n inclusive;
    swap card[i] and card[j];

for the above code am trying to find the probability of original card[k] winding up in slot n is 1/n? I guess it s (n-1)/n * 1/(n-1)=1/n. But can u help me proving this?


The reason the probability that the kth card will end up in slot n is 1/n is because the nth iteration completely determines what card ends up in slot n! (<--- that s an exclamation point, not a factorial :-).

Think about it. On the last iteration of the loop, you have some random permutation... and the kth card is sitting in some slot. The probability it moves into slot n is just the probability that you pick that kth card at random. Assuming you pick cards with equally likely probability, that probability is 1/n.

Hope this helps.



You might be thinking I made a faulty assumption. Namely, you might be wondering... what if the kth card can end up in different slots with different probabilities? What if the "random shuffling" isn t really random? This is why only the last iteration matters:

Let pi denote the probability that the kth card is in slot i on the n-1 iteration (ie - it is in slot i right before the end).

Then the probability that card k ends up in slot n (on the nth iteration) is:

(1/n)p1 + (1/n)p2 + ... + (1/n)pn

But notice we can factor the (1/n), so we have:

(1/n)(p1 + p2 + ... + pn)

And because these are probabilities, it should be obvious that the sum of the pi s (i = 1 to n) must equal 1. So we are left with just (1/n).

That is just being a bit more formal to show that the randomness of the state of affairs before the nth iteration really does not matter.

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probability of deck of cards [closed]

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