How do I get a Tkinter application to jump to the front? Currently, the window appears behind all my other windows and doesn t get focus.
Is there some method I should be calling?
How do I get a Tkinter application to jump to the front? Currently, the window appears behind all my other windows and doesn t get focus.
Is there some method I should be calling?
Assuming you mean your application windows when you say "my other windows", you can use the lift()
method on a Toplevel or Tk:
If you want the window to stay above all other windows, use:
root.attributes("-topmost", True)
Where root
is your Toplevel or Tk. Don t forget the -
infront of "topmost"
To make it temporary, disable topmost right after:
def raise_above_all(window):
window.attributes( -topmost , 1)
window.attributes( -topmost , 0)
Just pass in the window you want to raise as a argument, and this should work.
Add the following lines before the mainloop():
root.attributes( -topmost ,True)
root.after_idle(root.attributes, -topmost ,False)
It works perfectly for me. It makes the window come to the front when the window is generated, and it won t keep it always be in the front.
If you re doing this on a Mac, use AppleEvents to give focus to Python. Eg:
import os
os.system( /usr/bin/osascript -e tell app "Finder" to set frontmost of process "Python" to true )
Regarding the Mac, I noticed there can be a problem in that if there are multiple python GUIs running, every process will be named "Python" and AppleScript will tend to promote the wrong one to the front. Here s my solution. The idea is to grab a list of running process IDs before and after you load Tkinter. (Note that these are AppleScript process IDs which seem to bear no relation to their posix counterparts. Go figure.) Then the odd man out will be yours and you move that one to frontmost. (I didn t think that loop at the end would be necessary, but if you simply get every process whose ID is procID, AppleScript apparently returns the one object identified by name, which of course is that non-unique "Python", so we are back to square one unless there s something I m missing.)
import Tkinter, subprocess
def applescript(script):
return subprocess.check_output([ /usr/bin/osascript , -e , script])
def procidset():
return set(applescript(
tell app "System Events" to return id of every process whose name is "Python"
).replace( , , ).split())
idset = procidset()
root = Tkinter.Tk()
procid = iter(procidset() - idset).next()
tell app "System Events"
repeat with proc in every process whose name is "Python"
if id of proc is + procid + then
set frontmost of proc to true
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell )
On Mac OS X PyObjC provides a cleaner and less error prone method than shelling out to osascript:
import os
from Cocoa import NSRunningApplication, NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps
app = NSRunningApplication.runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier_(os.getpid())
Recently, I had the same question on the Mac. I have combined several answers using @MagerValp
for the Mac and @D K
for other systems:
import platform
if platform.system() != Darwin :
root.lift() wm , attributes , . , -topmost , True)
root.after_idle(, wm , attributes , . , -topmost , False)
import os
from Cocoa import NSRunningApplication, NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps
app = NSRunningApplication.runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier_(os.getpid())
Somewhat of a combination of various other methods, this works on OS X 10.11, and Python 3.5.1 running in a venv, and should work on other platforms too. It also targets the app by process id rather than app name.
from tkinter import Tk
import os
import subprocess
import platform
def raise_app(root: Tk):
root.attributes("-topmost", True)
if platform.system() == Darwin :
tmpl = tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of every process whose unix id is {} to true
script = tmpl.format(os.getpid())
output = subprocess.check_call([ /usr/bin/osascript , -e , script])
root.after(0, lambda: root.attributes("-topmost", False))
You call it right before the mainloop()
call, like so:
There s a hint on how to make the Tkinter window take focus when you call mainloop() in the Tkinter._test() function.
# The following three commands are needed so the window pops
# up on top on Windows...
This is the cleanest most proper way I ve found to do this, but it s only needed for Windows systems.
This answer is to make one Tkinter Window pop up overtop of other Tkinter windows.
In my app I have a large window toplevel
which calls a much smaller window top2
which initially appears on top of toplevel
If user clicks within toplevel
window it gains focus and smothers much smaller top2
window until toplevel
window is dragged off of it.
The solution is to click the button in toplevel
to launch top2
again. The top2
open function knows it is already running so simply lifts it to the top and gives it focus:
def play_items(self):
Play 1 or more songs in listbox.selection(). Define buttons:
Close, Pause, Prev, Next, Commercial and Intermission
if self.top2_is_active is True:
self.top2.focus_force() # Get focus
self.top2.lift() # Raise in stacking order
return # Don t want to start playing again
On macOS High Sierra, py3.6.4, here is my solution:
def OnFocusIn(event):
if type(event.widget).__name__ == Tk :
event.widget.attributes( -topmost , False)
# Create and configure your root ...
root.attributes( -topmost , True)
root.bind( <FocusIn> , OnFocusIn)
The idea is to bring it to the front until user interacts with it, i.e., taking focus.
I tried the accepted answer, .after_idle()
, and .after()
. They all fail in one case: When I run my script directly from an IDE like PyCharm, the app window will stay behind.
My solution works in all the cases that I encountered.
One more line (needed for Python 3.11 and tkinter 8.6):
def lift_window(window):
window.attributes( -topmost , True)
window.update_idletasks() # get window on top
window.attributes( -topmost , False) # prevent permanent focus
window.focus_force() # focus to the window
This will lift the window to the front, and also focus on the window.
def lift_window(window):
window.attributes( -topmost ,True)
window.attributes( -topmost ,False) # disable the topmost attribute after it is at the front to prevent permanent focus
window.focus_force() # focus to the window
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