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3d modeling for data structures

I m looking for a 3D modeling/animation software. Honestly, I don t know if this is something achievable - but what I want to have is some kind of visual representation of various ideas.

Speaking in future tense: if I were to read about of the boot process of an OS, I would visualize the various data structures building up; and I can step through the process with a sliding bar or so. If I were to think about a complex data structure, I would have a 3D representation of various links and relations between them. Another would be a Git repository at work - how commits/trees/blobs are linked in space, and how they progress as time passes. And all of these would be interactive.

The reason why I want to do this is that it d be very easy to explain the process. Not just to others, but also to self. I can revisit my model, and it d be a quick brush up.

I m sure there are no ready-to-use softwares for this. What I could think of are Flash, with action scripting, or Blender 3D (Python scripting?); or Synfig. Whatever it s, I ve to learn up start; and I m looking for suggestions as to which (even if not in my list) is the right one to choose.



I ve used Blender, but it requires a large upfront investment of time, especially to learn the UI. Blender is all about the hotkeys. Once you have them memorized, it s great. But getting there takes a while.

Alice might be worth a look. It looks easy to use and supports scripting.


There are many tools available for 3D modeling. I m a fan of 3D Studio max. But there is Blender, Maya, and truespace.

You may want to take a look at the field of visualization to help with illustrating your message.

I suspect that packages such as 3D Studio Max and Blender are too powerful, in the sense that your relatively simple requirements will force you on too long a learning path. Try Googling for Data Structure Animations to get an idea of what others have used. Also, head over to Information Aesthetics, they recently featured a tool for visualising commits and checkouts to/from repositories and similar.

My favourite is nearly the Lego Designer, very good for 3D block animations, but so far I haven t figured out how to add text to the blocks.

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