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Spreadsheets that use a functional-programming language [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.

I d like to know if there exists a spreadsheet application which uses an existing functional-programming language to define functions.

I ve already heard about Resolver One which uses python, but I m more interested in anything which uses a purely functional language like Haskell.



Spreadsheets are quite a popular application among functional programmers. They have been a recurring theme in papers over the years. Some of the more memorable papers include

You can also read about an effort to make Excel more functional.

For each of these papers I have either read the paper or heard a talk based on the papers. None of the papers is fabulous but all of them are good. I think the one with the most interesting ideas is by Sestoft—and his experimental results are pretty amazing.


There s Scheme In A Grid (http://siag.nu/siag/), but it s looking kind of out of date.

There s also Haxcel (http://www.mrtc.mdh.se/projects/Haxcel/), which was a thesis project.

If you want to do functional programming in a spreadsheet the best practical choice is probably Resolver One, as you ve already noted. (I would say "functional programming" in this context means first-class functions that work with other spreadsheet functions and the sheet itself - i.e. you could write a function that returns a function, call it and have the result go in a cell for yet other cells to call, etc. I don t know if OpenOffice and Google Docs will do that.)

A colleague and I have been working on a little project to do this within Excel, using a syntax very close to Excel formulas. I described it briefly in a comment on Roy MacLeans s VBA Blog:


It s changed some since I posted that, but if you want to call our very-minimal syntax a "language", it s certainly "pure". (And I m still planning to release it to the vast universe of FP-implemented-in-VBA enthusiasts, but stuff keeps coming up...)

There is herculus.io

But it seems down currently.

The guide describes a concept I find very interesting: https://app.herculus.io/doc/guides/app/

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