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How to draw a JPanel on a canvas?

is there a possibility to draw a JPanel on a specific location op a Graphics (or Graphics2D) object? I override the paint method of my canvas, and call panel.paint(g) in there, but it does not work the way I woul hope.

public void paint(Graphics g){
  Dimension size = panel.getPreferredSize();
  panel.setBounds(pos.x, pos.y, size.width, size.height);

the size object is correctly defined as I would wish, so that s not the problem. Also, the pos contains a correct x and y on the screen.


You should probably be using paintComponent instead of paint, since the latter is the AWT method, and the former is the Swing method.

One nice thing about Swing s paintComponent is that the Graphics passed is actually always going to be a Graphics2D, so you can:

Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)lg;

Now you can use the getTransform to save the old transform, then modify the transform of the Graphics2D using either setTranform or the scale, translate and rotate methods. Don t forget to restore the old transform, or you ll likely fudge the next thing being drawn by that context.

I ll throw in that, depending on the circumstance, drawing to a BufferedImage might be appropriate. You can get a Graphics context using BufferedImage.getGraphics(). Then you can draw the BufferedImage s context by whatever means suit you.

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