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(Tcl/Expect) clear screen after exit

I want to clear the screen (on the local machine) after exiting from my (semi) interactive expect script. Can I do that from within the script? Here s what I tried, that failed.

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set env(TERM) vt100
spawn ssh -Y username@domain
set user username
set pass password 
#login sequence
expect "password: "
send "${pass}
sleep .5  
#some menu commands to enter ERP....
set CTRLZ 32
set CTRLC 03
set CTRLA 01
#don t time out
set timeout -1 
        interact {
                -reset $CTRLZ {exec kill -STOP [pid]}
                $CTRLA   {   
                        exp_send "menucmd...
                $CTRLC   {  

                        #clear the host machine screen???
                        exec clear

On the remote side I m not in a shell but in an ERP program. I could exit to the shell then do a "clear" on the remote host if that s what s necessary, but I think the remote host prompt would still be on the screen.

EDIT: changed to try clear before "exit" (sub-question: "exec clear" is executed on the machine running the expect script right?)


Once you [exit], everything else after is not going to be executed. You should [exec clear] before exiting.

If you re using a vt100 compatible terminal (and most Unix terminals are) then you can try directly sending vt100 commands to the terminal:

puts 33[2J


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