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Detecting Ctrl-<Number> in GLUT
  • 时间:2009-12-29 21:13:19
  •  标签:
  • glut

I use GLUT to handle keyboard input for Bitfighter. I ve built a nice little keyboard event abstraction layer, which works great for most things, but I ve run up against a few frustrating limitations.

For example, when Ctrl is pressed, the number keys, plus, minus, and the quote key don t seem to trigger the glutKeyboardFunc() callback.

I realize that GLUT is very limited in some ways, but I was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to detect the number keys or plus/minus when Ctrl is pressed.

I would consider switching to FreeGLUT if it helped work around this limitation.


I did a lot of research on this, and concluded it simply doesn t work.

For this reason, and other frustrations, we eventually ported our code from GLUT to SDL.



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