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OpenGL with GLUT on windows 7, fullscreen mode not showing the message box

I wrote an OpenGL app in C++ a while ago, back when my operating system was Windows XP.

I used GLUT (plane ol version) to show the window and also used full screen mode.

There are times when I displayed a message box (MessageBoxA method, using the MB_TASKMODAL modifier).

In windows XP the message box was being displayed nicely over the full screen graphics, but it seems that something has changed in windows 7. Now, the application behaves like the message box is displayed, mainly, the keyboard and mouse are not operational until I click the button on the box, but the message is not shown on the screen! Keep in mind that it s the same code that was working fine in windows XP, and it is only a problem in full screen mode.

Did anyone ran into this kind of problem and perhaps know a way to make this code windows 7 compatible?


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