None of these languages offer what Cobol does -- fast, efficient processing large batches of data. It doesn t need graphics, it doesn t need bit-twiddling, it just needs to do what it does well -- accounting mostly.
C++ and C are ok substitutes for systems style stuff but they fall down on fixed point math and strong support for record oriented I/O. In the space where most financial and business apps live, z/OS, both Cobol and z/assembler have better native support for those things.
Java is good, safe, and workable. And on IBM mainframes, Java and Cobol interoperate very nicely. But some things that are easy to do in Cobol are very hard to do in Java, and the converse is true. They are complementing each other, not replacing each other. Java also does all it s fixed point math via library calls, which are much slower than native opcode support.
Python uses library (aka module) support for fixed point math as well as record I/O. It also suffers from a fatal, IMHO, design flaw of using indentation to delimit scope. This works reasonably ok in the relatively homogenous environment of Mac/Windows/Unix with some variant of ISO8859-1 character sets. It is prone to problems when moving back and forth between an ASCII-centric world and an EBCDIC-centric world where line terminators are not as simple as "
" and any misconfiguration in a file transfer package, character conversion routine, or editing by a terminal configured for a different character set will destroy the scope of your source.
All of the languages you mention have weaknesses in critical business needs where Cobol is the strongest.