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View changes without restarting Blackberry simulator?

i am using eclipse and the blackberry simulator for my BB development. is there any way of viewing your code changes without having to close the current simulator session and start a new one? it seems like it s a pain in the rear to activate a new session each and every time (just to see a code change).

Of course, if you attempt to run another instance of a simulator in eclipse, you will get a warning dialog stating that "A Blackberry debugging session is already active. Only one Blackberry debugging session can be active at one time."

thank you very much in advance,



I found this here:

Reload a BlackBerry device application without restarting the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator Before you begin: You must install the BlackBerry® Java® SDK 5.0 or later on your computer.

In Eclipse® right-click a BlackBerry device application. Complete one of the following tasks: Click Run As > BlackBerry Simulator. Click Debug As > BlackBerry Simulator. In the BlackBerry® Smartphone Simulator, click the icon to run the application. In Eclipse, make changes to the application that is running. Save the changes. Complete one of the following tasks: On the Run menu, clickRun As > BlackBerry Simulator. On the Run menu, click Debug As > BlackBerry Simulator. The changes to the BlackBerry device application appear in the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator.

I found writing a shell script to package and deploy the app with a few specific parameters was far more efficient--time-wise. Here s an example:

"$SDKDIR/dependencies/tools/bin/blackberry-deploy" -uninstallApp -installApp -launchApp -password <your_password> -device -package <path_to_bar_file.bar>

I specify the shell-script to run as a build task in my IDE and and let it do it s job. The key here is the -uninstallApp part & -installApp params which saves a lot time in the long run.

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