English 中文(简体)
3. 要求新密码
原标题:Require new password on first login to Wordpress

I am trying to set up a Wordpress site that requires users to login. The usernames are going to be pre-populated into the db, with 1 default password for all. Once they enter the default password, they need to be taken to another login screen that will act as a registration page for them. They cannot change their username, but are required to change their password. I cannot find any plugins that accomplish this (if someone knows of a pre-existing plugin, that would be great!). Anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this or point me in the right direction on where someone has accomplished this already? Thanks J


这就是我如何这样做。 2. 确立您的标志,以接受用户名和密码。 如果密码等于缺省密码,则在用户气象表中设定任意价值。 在您的登陆网页上,如果存在这种用户元值,就进行逻辑核对,显示形成新密码的形式。 在成功修改密码后,删除用户元值。


var $creds = array();
$creds[ user_login ] =  example ;
$creds[ user_password ] =  plaintextpw ;
$creds[ remember ] = true;

if ($creds[ user_password ]== default ){
$metakey =  mustchangepw ;
$metavalue =  true ;
update_usermeta( $userid, $metakey, $metavalue ); 

$user = wp_signon( $creds, false );

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