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寻找如何在Scala中进行模式匹配时使用“@ _ *”的示例
原标题:Looking for examples of how to use "@_*" when doing pattern matching in Scala



def findPerimeter(o: SomeObject): Perimeter = o match {
case Type1(length, width) =>
  new Perimeter(0, 0, length, width)
case Type2(radius) =>
  new Perimeter(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius)

case MixedTypes(group @_*) => {
  \How could @_* be used to check subpatterns of group?
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I'm sorry, you forgot to provide the text that needs to be translated. Please provide the text and I'll be happy to assist you.


谢谢 (xiè xiè)



Type2(3.0) match {
  case t2 @ Type2(radius) => //...



def findPerimeter(o: SomeObject): Perimeter = o match {
  case Type1(length, width) => new Perimeter(0, 0, length, width)
  case Type2(radius) => new Perimeter(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius)
  // ...
  // assume that Perimeter defines a + operator
  case MixedTypes(group @ _*) => group.reduceLeft(findPerimeter(_) + findPerimeter(_))


在这里,group 绑定到定义 MixedTypesSomeObject 序列。您可以将其视为与 MixedTypes 构造函数参数相同的序列。


Wampler/Payne的节目编排表an example

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