English 中文(简体)
原标题:What is required to use LODSB in assembly?


我有以下试验方案,即Im使用PXE到boot。 我用两种方式boot:通过pxelinux.0直接。 如果我直接boot,我的节目就印刷了两个插图。 如果我通过Xelinux.0boot,它只印刷了第一部插图。


<>Answer>: 该法典是罚款,最初的数学地址是错误的。 见下文。


  • Set the direction flag to increment, cld
  • Set ds to cs
  • Put the address (from start) of string in si
  • Add the starting offset to si


  • Calculate a new segment address based on (((cs << 4) + offset) >> 4)
  • Set ds to that. (either A000 or 07C0)


// Note: If you try this code, don t forget to set 
//       the "#if 0" below appropriately!

    .globl  start, _start



    jmp real_start

    . = _start1 + 0x1fe
    .byte 0x55, 0xAA

    // Next sector
    . = _start1 + 0x200

    jmp real_start

    .asciz  "
Test: 9020:fe00"
    .asciz  "
Test: a000:0000"


    cld         // Make sure %si gets incremented.

#if 0
    // When loaded by pxelinux, we re here:
    // 9020:fe00 ==> a000:0000

    // This works.
    movw    $0x9020, %bx
    movw    %bx, %ds
    movw    $(test1_str - _start1), %si
    addw    $0xfe00, %si
    call    print_message

    // This does not.
    movw    $0xA000, %bx
    movw    %bx, %ds
    movw    $(test2_str - _start1), %si
    call    print_message
    // If we are loaded directly without pxelinux, we re here:
    // 0000:7c00 ==> 07c0:0000

    // This works.
    movw    $0x0000, %bx
    movw    %bx, %ds
    movw    $(test1_str - _start1), %si
    addw    $0x7c00, %si
    call    print_message

    // This does, too.
    movw    $0x07c0, %bx
    movw    %bx, %ds
    movw    $(test2_str - _start1), %si
    call    print_message

    // Hang the computer
    jmp 1b

// Prints string DS:SI (modifies AX BX SI)
    pushw   %ax
    jmp 2f
    movb    $0x0e, %ah  /* print char in AL */
    int $0x10       /* via TTY mode */
    lodsb   (%si), %al  /* get token */
    cmpb    $0, %al     /* end of string? */
    jne 3b
    popw    %ax

.balign 0x200


/usr/bin/ccache gcc -Os -fno-stack-protector -fno-builtin -nostdinc  -DSUPPORT_SERIAL=1 -DSUPPORT_HERCULES=1 -DSUPPORT_GRAPHICS=1 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -Wall -ggdb3 -Wmissing-prototypes -Wunused -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -falign-jumps=1 -falign-loops=1 -falign-functions=1 -Wundef -g -c -o ds_teststart_exec-ds_teststart.o ds_test.S
/usr/bin/ccache gcc  -g   -o ds_teststart.exec -nostdlib -Wl,-N -Wl,-Ttext -Wl,8000 ds_teststart_exec-ds_teststart.o  
objcopy -O binary ds_teststart.exec ds_teststart

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 第一期:

9020:FE00 ==> 9000:0000 and not A000:0000
I was using some code from grldrstart.S that does that calculation. There s a bug in the grldrstart.S routine. It takes the FE00 offset and shifts it right 4 bits, but it does it without preserving the sign; FE00 is a negative number. So instead of:

shrw   $4, %bx


sarw   $4, %bx   // Preserves sign!!

90200 + FE00 = 90200 - 200 = 90000



  • set ds properly (and use correct math)
  • set the direction flag correctly, using cld or std for increment and decrement
  • set si to the offset to your source buffer.
  • the effective address read will be (ds << 4) + si

a. 设置ds->



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