English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why is XmlSerializer throwing an InvalidOperationException?
    public void Save() {
          XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInformation));
          A first chance exception of type  System.IO.FileNotFoundException  occurred in mscorlib.dll
          A first chance exception of type  System.IO.FileNotFoundException  occurred in mscorlib.dll
          A first chance exception of type  System.InvalidOperationException  occurred in System.Xml.dll

          // ....


public class DatabaseInformation
    /* Create new database */
    public DatabaseInformation(string name) {
        mName = name;
        NeedsSaving = true;
        mFieldsInfo = new List<DatabaseField>();

    /* Read from file */
    public static DatabaseInformation DeserializeFromFile(string xml_file_path)
    XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInformation));
        TextReader r = new StreamReader(xml_file_path);
        DatabaseInformation ret = (DatabaseInformation)Serializer.Deserialize(r);
        ret.NeedsSaving = false;
        return ret;

    /* Save */
    public void Save() {
    XmlSerializer Serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DatabaseInformation));
        if (!mNeedsSaving)

        TextWriter w = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(Program.MainView.CommonDirectory.Get(), Name + ".xml"), false);
        Serializer.Serialize(w, this);
        NeedsSaving = false;

    private string mName;
    public string Name { get { return mName; } }

    private bool mNeedsSaving;
    public bool NeedsSaving { get { return mNeedsSaving; } set { mNeedsSaving = value; Program.MainView.UpdateTitle(value); } }

    private bool mHasId;
    public bool HasId { get { return mHasId; } }

    List<DatabaseField> mFieldsInfo;



序列化/代号化其需要无参数建筑商的类型。 查阅

A class must have a default constructor to be serialized by XmlSerializer.


oh。 我不知道它有其他信息(而是要点击“意见细节”),神秘的解决办法是:

Message=SDB.DatabaseInformation cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor.

我也看到了这一例外,但由于缺乏违约建筑商,这一例外是没有的。 我有一些额外特性(<代码>List 和>Dictionary),它们是XML文件的一部分。


你们可以通过提供一名称为超负荷施工者的违约建筑商来解决这一问题。 例如:

public DatabaseInformation() : this ("defaultName"){}

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