I assume the format is not fixed, since then you could just pick that part of the string and move it to a field defined with pic 9.999 and use it from there.
This assumes the string value is made up of 3 parts separated by spaces. First define some fields:
1 part1 pic x(14).
1 part2 pic x(14).
1 part3 pic x(07).
1 digitsAn.
2 digits pic 9(03).
1 decimalsAn.
2 decimals pic .9(03).
1 theValue pic 9(03)v9(3).
The An suffix is from my naming convention, and indicates a alphanumeric value. If the string input may be longer increase the sizes as needed.
The rest of the code parses theString into theValue.
* Extract the third part.
initialize part3
unstring theString delimited by all spaces into part1 part2 part3
* make sure the receiving field contains numeric data.
inspect part3 replacing spaces by zeroes
* extract digits before and after the decimal point.
unstring part3 delimited by "." into digits decimalsAn(2:)
* Combine parts before and after decimal points into a numeric value.
compute theValue = digits + decimals
Beware, I haven t run this through a compiler!