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Macros in C. 请提供解决办法
原标题:Macros in C.... please give the solution

Suppose I 宣布了一个宏观名称,xyz()



Now my question is: is this correct (it s executing without any problem)? Macro xyz() is defined twice. Why its not giving an error? What is the solution?


无,只有一度界定第一个宏观wiil。 页: 1

#define Symbol SymbolResolution

预处理器将取代<代码>Symbol>>。 凡是见Symbol。 如果Symbol Resolution is a #define , or includes some sign that have #define s within same will be used to them, they will all be amended. 直到没有在整个翻译单位有<代码>#define的符号。

因此,你可以像你所希望的那样,参考其他宏观。 然而,你可以追溯性地参照宏观。 你们也应谨慎从事这项工作——如果你滥用宏观方法,这很容易导致难以读懂的很多东西,而且很难减少编码。


When the preprocessor expands a macro name, the macro s expansion replaces the macro invocation, then the expansion is examined for more macros to expand.

#define hello() (12)
#define test() (1+hello())


A self-referential macro is one whose name appears in its definition. Recall that all macro definitions are rescanned for more macros to replace. If the self-reference were considered a use of the macro, it would produce an infinitely large expansion. To prevent this, the self-reference is not considered a macro call.

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