English 中文(简体)
原标题:Relative to absolute paths in HTML

我需要由URL创建通讯。 为此,我:

  1. Create a WebClient.
  2. Use WebClient s method DownloadData to get a source of page in byte array;
  3. Get string from the source-html byte array and set it to the newsletter content.

然而,我对道路有一些麻烦。 所有来源都是相对的(/img/welcome.png),但我需要绝对的,例如





WebClient client = new WebClient();
byte[] requestHTML = client.DownloadData(sourceUrl);
string sourceHTML = new UTF8Encoding().GetString(requestHTML);

HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();

foreach (HtmlNode link in htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@href]"))
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(link.Attributes["href"].Value))
        HtmlAttribute att = link.Attributes["href"];
        att.Value = this.AbsoluteUrlByRelative(att.Value);


new Uri(Request.Uri, "/img/welcome.png").ToString();


new Uri("http://www.mysite.com", "/img/welcome.png").ToString();


  1. You can convert your byte array to a string and find replace.
  2. You can create a DOM object, convert the byte array to string, load it and append the value to the attributes where needed (basically you are looking for any src, href attribute that doesn t have http: or https: in it).
    Console.Write(ControlChars.Cr + "Please enter a Url(for example, http://www.msn.com): ")
    Dim remoteUrl As String = Console.ReadLine()
    Dim myWebClient As New WebClient()
    Console.WriteLine(("Downloading " + remoteUrl))
    Dim myDatabuffer As Byte() = myWebClient.DownloadData(remoteUrl)
    Dim download As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(myDataBuffer)
    download.Replace("src=""/", "src=""" & remoteUrl & "/")
    download.Replace("href=""/", "href=""" & remoteUrl & "/")
    Console.WriteLine("Download successful.")

它是表面上的,实际上是从以下网址直接提取的:。 但它说明了方法背后的基本主要原理。 1. 导言


 # converts relative URL ro Absolute URI
    Function RelativeToAbsoluteUrl(ByVal baseURI As Uri, ByVal RelativeUrl As String) As Uri
          get action tags, relative or absolute
        Dim uriReturn As Uri = New Uri(RelativeUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)
          Make it absolute if it s relative
        If Not uriReturn.IsAbsoluteUri Then
            Dim baseUrl As Uri = baseURI
            uriReturn = New Uri(baseUrl, uriReturn)
        End If
        Return uriReturn
    End Function

您不能解决/完成相对的道路,而是可以尝试将基础内容与Rhref-attrib = 有关的原始基础。



var d=document;
var n= d.querySelectorAll( [src] ); // do the same for [href] ...
var i=0; var op ="";var ops="";
for (i=0;i<n.length;i++){op = op + n[i].src + "

当然,STYLE-Element(s)中给出的尿素(func)基础,即背景或内容规则,以及在节一级,特别是在陶尔()-func-stated src/href- Values上,都由上述任何解决办法看待/测试。


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