I m trying to solve problem 50 on Project Euler. Don t give me the answer or solve it for me, just try to answer this specific question.
The goal is to find the longest sum of consecutive primes that adds to a prime below one million. I wrote a sieve to find all the primes below n, and I have confirmed that it is correct. Next, I am going to check the sum of each subset of consecutive primes using the following method:
I have a empty list sums
. For each prime number, I add it to each element in sums
and check the new sum, then I append the prime to sums
Here it is in python
primes = allPrimesBelow(1000000)
sums = []
for p in primes:
for i in range(len(sums)):
sums[i] += p
I want to know if I have called check()
for every sum of two or more consecutive primes below one million
The problem says that there is a prime, 953, that can be written as the sum of 21 consecutive primes, but I am not finding it.