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开幕地点 GL ES, 用于制造和轮换一个 iPhone子。 [闭门]
原标题:Where to start openGL ES to create and rotate a cube in an iPhone? [closed]

I ve done some apps on iPhone using Objevtive-C and Cocos2d, and I d like to start learning 3D.
My first goal is to make a very simple app that:
- Displays a 3D cube in the center of the screen.
- And move the camera around the cube
I want something very simple: no texture, no background.

Where should I start to be able to do this app? I m searching for some tutorials or exemples.


我创建了一个OpenGL ES样本应用,显示一个文字带的圆环,让你轮流使用感动姿态,作为I类课程的一部分教授Michine Development。 我警告你,尽管如此,我并没有很好地抓住这一榜样的面孔,因此,我有责任纠正我的错误。 该课程的说明,包括关于开放式利比里亚经济学院的讲座,可在VoodooPad格式here


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