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。 网络图书馆
原标题:.NET Network Library

I ve been looking for a decent network library for C#. It is going to be used with XNA 3.1, and .NET Framework 3.5. The multi-player style is going to be Server and Client. Currently I have been looking into Lidgren Library Network, but it seems outdated.

任何人都对一个良好的网络图书馆提出了一些很好的建议。 它应当能够随时处理30+客户链接。





http://www.networkcomms.net>networkComms.net。 它有许多复杂的特征(例如序列化、压缩和加密),但鉴于你提到多少连接,它能够处理1千+的传输率。 how to establish a briefuser Service application,但简言之,您可以寄送并接收如下内容。


//This is the simplest way to send with more advanced options also available
//Parameters are message type, IP address, port and the object to send
NetworkComms.SendObject("Message", "", 10000, "Networking in one line!")


//We need to define what happens when packets are received.
//To do this we add an incoming packet handler for 
//a  Message  packet type. 
//This handler will automatically convert the incoming raw bytes into a string 
//(this is what the <string> bit does) and then write that string to the 
//local console window.
NetworkComms.AppendGlobalIncomingPacketHandler<string>("Message", (packetHeader, connection, incomingString) => { Console.WriteLine("
  ... Incoming message from " + connection.ToString() + " saying  " + incomingString + " ."); });

//Start listening for incoming  TCP  connections. The true 
//parameter means try to use the default port and if that 
//fails just choose a random port.
//See also UDPConnection.StartListening()

申斥: 图书馆开发商之一。

你似乎正在看错的地方。 你们看不到“网络框架”本身。

如何利用全球合作框架? 如何使用<代码>TcpListener?


周转基金是一种可能性,但对于这种情形而言,它可能是一种比值重的加权。 NET Sockets, OTOH, 经常太低;它们并不容易地“兼容”,只是插图(在能够正确使用Socket类别之前必须学到联网和多读)。

我写了一个图书馆,Nito.Async.Sockets,它是Nito.Async的一部分。 它从编程中删除了多面的考虑,还包括一个处理message framing_keepalives

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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