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防止关闭Java 周转申请
原标题:Prevent to close Java swing Application



on their main framework should prevent that.

setDefaultCloseOperation, 方法允许用户在JFrame附近选择做什么:

  • DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE (defined in WindowConstants): Don t do anything; require the program to handle the operation in the windowClosing method of a registered WindowListener object.

  • HIDE_ON_CLOSE (defined in WindowConstants): Automatically hide the frame after invoking any registered WindowListener objects.

  • DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE (defined in WindowConstants): Automatically hide and dispose the frame after invoking any registered WindowListener objects.

  • EXIT_ON_CLOSE (defined in JFrame): Exit the application using the System exit method. Use this only in applications.

JFrame frame = new JFrame();

frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
// handle window closing 

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