www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 详见第4.Net,完整框架。
我试图简单地打赢,使世界文化基金会的呼吁变得简单。 该公司使用频道Factory和服务合同接口。 在接口中的大约20种方法中,有2种涉及简化(上载和下载方法),以便使用传输Mode=Streamed的服务方(目前也是客户方)。
在尝试使用内部诊断(通过SvcConfigEditor)和我本人(通过执行IClientMessage Inspector,然后是IEndpointBehavior加入监察员,然后引导Factory。 Endpoint.Behaviors. 加上: I m 有两个问题:
- When doing request.ToString() or reply.ToString() in BeforeSendRequest and AfterReceiveReply, it only gets the body and not the headers. Digging around in the objects in the debugger it looks like the reply has them in reply.Properties["httpResponse"], but the request s request.Properties["httpRequest"] has an empty Headers property even though Fiddler shows headers for Content-Type, Host, Accept-Encoding, and Connection. It seems like there s likely a better way to get the raw message that I m missing (and if there s not, someone probably knows an existing chunk of code to reconstruct the raw one from the Message)
- Since the transfer mode is Streamed, the body part just shows up as the string ... stream ... , both in SvcTraceViewer (and the raw svclog - even with logEntireMessage=true) and when doing a ToString(). If the mode is Buffered instead, it shows the actual body fine. I tried making a copy with reply.CreateBufferedCopy(int.MaxValue); but that then caused the actual WCF call to fail with an InvalidOperationException: This message cannot support the operation because it has been copied.
一个缺点是,将客户转移到变形和公正的变革中,以简化对单上载电话的查询,并简化对下载电话的回复(但我不得不在方案上这样做,因为它在会议中设定了具有约束力的等级,而我看不到通过电话的属性这样做的任何途径),这将照顾身体部分,使我只剩下“网上要求负责人”(问题1,具体要求)。 财产[“查询”]。 头目是空洞的,但我想到的是,如果不这样做,就会有一些原始信息的伐木方式,从而简化了转让模式。