In an already open word document select all text
copy selected text to clipboard
check default browser open at correct web address
if not open default browser at web address ""
give focus to browser
paste clipboard text into input box called "input1"
目前,工作流程涉及在网站上进行秘书伐木,然后填写网络表格,转而使用公开的MS Word文件,选择所有文件,复制WP文件,然后回到网上表格,并贴上投入箱,然后点击提交。 理想的情况是,在管理词中有一个纽州,向正确的网页开放浏览器,然后将文件复制成正确的投入箱(事实上这将是唯一的文本领域)。
Option Explicit
Enum W32_Window_State
Show_Normal = 1
Show_Minimized = 2
Show_Maximized = 3
Show_Min_No_Active = 7
Show_Default = 10
End Enum
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, _
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Function OpenURL(URL As String, WindowState As W32_Window_State) As Boolean
Opens passed URL with default application, or Error Code (<32) upon error
Dim lngHWnd As Long
Dim lngReturn As Long
lngReturn = ShellExecute(lngHWnd, "open", URL, vbNullString, _
vbNullString, WindowState)
OpenURL = (lngReturn > 32)
End Function
Sub TestMacro()
OpenURL "http://localhost:8500/index.cfm?wordContent=" & Selection, W32_Window_State.Show_Maximized
End Sub
<form id="form1">
<Textarea ID="txtArea" rows=6><cfoutput>#url.wordContent#</cfoutput></textarea>