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Xamarin Forms string [] array binding to listview load fields but show empty TextCells

I use xamarin (NOTE: next month i going to migrate MAUI) the problem is when i get a json response from post request with many fields like string fields and strings[] array, all the string fields show OK, but in listview show loads fields "empty", other words string [] array binding to listview load fields but show empty TextCells if array have 3 strings, show 3 empty fields, see the code: XAML:

         <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Specialities, Mode=TwoWay}" Grid.Row="8" Grid.Column="1"
                            <TextCell DetailColor="Black"
                                      Text="{Binding .}" />


             private string[] _specialities;
    public string[] Specialities
        get => _specialities;
        set => SetProperty(ref _specialities, value);


            string resultadoRespuesta = await 
                    var problemDetails = 
                    Nombres = problemDetails.FirtsNameOriginal;
                    Apellidos = 
                    Celular = problemDetails.Celular;
                    Correo = problemDetails.Correo;
                    Cedula = problemDetails.Cedula;
                    Especialidad = problemDetails.speciality;
                    Ciudad = problemDetails.Ciudadperfil;
                    Plan = problemDetails.Plan;
                    Specialities = problemDetails.Specialities;


was playing with this code: foreach (string item in Specialities) { for (int ctr = 0; ctr < item.Length; ctr++) { Especialidadcon = item; } the result is Especialidadcon show OK with the right value

a part of the json response i get from the endpoint:

           "firstName": "Juan Sebastián ",
  "lastName": "Mario mena ",
"email": "jdsa@lsddsdex.ec",
"phone": "099434346840",
"city": "59cda262fe728437ce90ff81",
"isDelete": false,

ATTETION: jsonproperty is ok i bind from MODEL AbogadosAtlasApi

           public string[] Specialities { get; set; }

    "specialities": [
     "role": "5a0a60a3257e970afc9a9e75",


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