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原标题:three20 TTURLRequest resend

I have a REST service that uses an auth_token that expires every so often. when a request fails, I want to re-authenticate (which I m able to do) and then resend the same exact TTURLRequest in the following generic way:

- (void)request:(TTURLRequest*)request didFailLoadWithError:
(NSError*)error {
       NSLog(@"error %@ %@ %@", [error localizedDescription], [error
localizedFailureReason], [error localizedRecoverySuggestion]

       if (numRetries == 0) {
               [self authenticateUser:nil];

               request.urlPath = [request.urlPath
withString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"access_token=%@",

               NSLog(@"URL: %@", request.urlPath);
               [request   send];




all of my TTURLRequests use the same delegate which uses this failure method. but for some reason, when I call [request send] the request gets to the "loading" phase, but does not ever seem to complete. However, if I do a manual refresh (by dragging down the table view) it re-generates the TTURLRequest from scratch and seems to work fine.



我最近也谈到同样的问题。 我曾深入探讨过320次,以了解是否打算对失败的请求进行再研究,但我发现问题,是可靠的(简单)解决办法。

在[请求发出]后,TTURLRequeste公司在完成装货之前就得到分配。 如果你看三20Network的TTURLRequestModel.m,你就可以看到,在新申请获得保留之前,该模式即已被释放。 如果最后一项请求与新的请求(如你的情况)相同,则保留到0,并收到:

- (void)requestDidStartLoad:(TTURLRequest*)request {
  [_loadingRequest release];
  _loadingRequest = [request retain];
  [self didStartLoad];


- (void)requestDidStartLoad:(TTURLRequest*)request {
  [request retain];
  [_loadingRequest release];
  _loadingRequest = request;
  [self didStartLoad];


<说明>:如果你正在使用TTURLJSONResponse申请回复标语,你将需要安排新的试样,并安排申请。 在再次发出呼吁之前作出反应。 如果你看一下TTURLJSONResponse.m的话,请看一下处理方法(Nil=_rootObject)的说法。 如果在以前的请求中使用了答复小组的话,这将失败。

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