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In process web-server for MVC2

I m working on a project that requires an in process web server to run the web based UI. The best option I have come across is CassiniDev

EDIT: did some tests and noticed that issue isn t synchronous way of processing requests, it has to do with tcp-connects. fiddler shows 1 second as the tcp-connect time.

Are there any alternatives?

These are the main criteria:

  • must be in process, or at least usable without any installation.

  • must be able to process request asynchronously.

  • distributable for free with an open-source project.

I will also accept a patch to fix CassiniDev as an answer ;)


I see two points in your question; 1) You don t want to install anything on target deployment system 2)You want to distribute web server bits as free.

Somehow I am not getting the intent behind these points. Why do you want to redistribute web server bits? You can still make you source code open source. Since you have chose MVC2 for your project, you have already vendor locked yourself. AFAIK MVC2 is not available for anything other than Windows+IIS model (well it is there but do you want to do it that way?). Wherever you are going to host this application, you are already going to have IIS6/7 and according to me you should not worry about webserver.

Let me know if there is any other reason behind this requirement.


I am not sure about your specific requirements with this, but I do suggest that you take a look at C# WebServer - A free open sourced project hosted by CodePlex.

It implements the ASP.NET MVC 2 technology and you can choose view engines between HAML, Spark and the tradition ASP.Net View engine.

The project is implemented in 1 or 2 Dll s (depending on which version you choose) and can be embedded in the installer program, just like any other traditional dll.

To me, it appears to be a stable and reliable project. Hope it will be useful to you as well as anybody else.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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