English 中文(简体)
原标题:Mail merge started by VBA in Access let Word open Database again




On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    Dim word As word.Application
    Dim Form As word.Document

    Set word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    Set Form = word.Documents.Open("tpl.doc")

    With word
        word.Visible = True

        With .ActiveDocument.MailMerge
            .MainDocumentType = wdMailingLabels
            .OpenDataSource Name:= CurrentProject.FullName, ConfirmConversions:=False, _
                ReadOnly:=False, LinkToSource:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
                PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", WritePasswordDocument:="", _
                WritePasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, _
                SQLStatement:="[MY QUERY]", _
                SQLStatement1:="", _
                SubType:=wdMergeSubTypeWord2000, OpenExclusive:=False
            .Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
            .MainDocumentType = wdNotAMergeDocument
        End With
    End With

    Form.Close False
    Set Form = Nothing

    Set word = Nothing

    Exit Sub
    word.Quit (False)
    Set word = Nothing
End Sub


Update #1 It would also help if someone could tell me what the exact difference is between opening Access with or without the SHIFT-Key. And if it is possible to write some VBA code to enable the "features" so if the database is opened without the SHIFT-Key, it at least "simulates" it.

Cheers, Gregor



    Public Function MailMergeLetters() 
           Dim pathMergeTemplate As String
            Dim sql As String
            Dim sqlWhere As String
            Dim sqlOrderBy As String

 Get the word template from the Letters folder  

            pathMergeTemplate = "C:MyAppResourcesLetters"

 This is a sort of "base" query that holds all the mailmerge fields
 Ie, it defines what fields will be merged.

            sql = "SELECT * FROM MailMergeExportQry" 

            With Forms("MyContactsForm")

  Filter and order the records you want
 Very much to do for you

            sqlWhere = GetWhereClause()
            sqlOrderBy = GetOrderByClause()

            End With

  Build the sql string you will use with this mail merge

            sql = sql & sqlWhere & sqlOrderBy & ";"

 Create a temporary QueryDef to hold the query

                Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
                Set qd = New DAO.QueryDef
                    qd.sql = sql
                    qd.Name = "mmexport"

                    CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Append qd

  Export the data using TransferText

                        DoCmd.TransferText _
                            acExportDelim, , _
                            "mmexport", _
                            pathMergeTemplate & "qryMailMerge.txt", _
  Clear up
                    CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete "mmexport"

                Set qd = Nothing

 End Code Block:
 Start Code Block:
 OK. Access has built the .txt file.
 Now the Mail merge doc gets opened...

                Dim appWord As Object
                Dim docWord As Object

                Set appWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

                    appWord.Application.Visible = True

  Open the template in the ResourcesLetters folder:

                    Set docWord = appWord.Documents.Add(Template:=pathMergeTemplate & "MergeLetters.dot")

 Now I can mail merge without involving currentproject of my Access app

                        docWord.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:=pathMergeTemplate & "qryMailMerge.txt", LinkToSource:=False

                    Set docWord = Nothing

                Set appWord = Nothing

 End Code Block:

            Exit Function

            MsgBox Err.Description & " " & Err.Number, vbExclamation, APPHELP

        On Error Resume Next
            CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete "mmexport"

            Set qd = Nothing

            Set docWord = Nothing
            Set appWord = Nothing

            Resume Finally

        End Function



sqlWhere = GetWhereClause()
sqlOrderBy = GetOrderByClause




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