我热爱使用带有铁Python的冰模板,但急于这样做。 最好能够做到,无需加添甲 Python素标准平衡。 不知道这是否可行。
我与Ruby Erb syntax一样,希望能够使用类似的东西。
我热爱使用带有铁Python的冰模板,但急于这样做。 最好能够做到,无需加添甲 Python素标准平衡。 不知道这是否可行。
我与Ruby Erb syntax一样,希望能够使用类似的东西。
我的个人偏爱是,但与欧洲航天局的辛塔克斯相比,它远近于Django syntax(,Mako 在这方面似乎相当接近。 您可以查看,以了解更多想法。
我可以为金贾2撰写铁蓬。 它确实需要标准图书馆(而且我也是大多数其他图书馆的主人),并且需要以下设备:,如果你重新运行了铁Python < v2.7b1(见关于Kinja2特定工作的评论,涉及早先发行的铁Python,以及
def content(result):
return """
<p>Thank you for posting!</p>
<p>Result : {result}</p>
(I am working interactively with a WordprocessingDocument object in IronPython using the OpenXML SDK, but this is really a general Python question that should be applicable across all implementations) ...
I have some types in a C# library I wrote, e.g.: namespace SprocGenerator.Generators { public class DeleteGenerator : GeneratorBase { public DeleteGenerator(string databaseName, ...
The following import works inside ipy.exe prompt but fails using IronPython ScriptRuntime inside a C# 4.0 program. import ConfigParser C# code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using ...
I am unable to rollback using the following code snippet and need help: import clr import sys clr.AddReference( System.Data ) from System.Data.SqlClient import SqlConnection, SqlParameter, ...
I am trying to implement a Comet style (e.g. chat) application using IronPython. While I don t need to scale to twitter like dimensions, it is vital that the response time is lightening fast. All ...
Unit tests have different requirements than production code. For example, unit tests may not have to be as performant as the production code. Perhaps it sometimes makes sense to write your unit tests ...
I m trying IronPython for asp.net, I got a simple CRUD screen to work. I ve read IntelliSense doesnt work for IronPython, but is there any way to get rid of Visual Studio underlining all the lines ...
I have a WPF app that controls audio hardware. It uses the same PythonEngine on multiple threads. This causes strange errors I see from time to time where the PythonEngines Globals dictionary has ...