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原标题:Error when trying to run .asm file on NASM on Ubuntu

I m using ubuntu 64-bit and trying to run a .asm file on NASM. But it returns this error when I try to run the following code. What Iḿ trying to do is build an executable by compiling (or assembling) object file from the source $ nasm -f elf hello.asm, and then after created the file hello.o is producing executable file itself from the object file by invoking linker

$ ld -s -o hello hello.o

这将最终形成可起诉的 h。

http://www.faqs.org/docs/HCH-HOWTO/Assembly-HOWTO.html” rel=“noretinger” http://www.faqs.org/docs/HCH-HOWTO/Assembly-HOWTO.html。


i386 投入文件“hello.o”的结构与I386:x86-64的产出不符


     section .data              ;section declaration

 msg     db      "Hello, world!",0xa    ;our dear string
 len     equ     $ - msg                 ;length of our dear string

 section .text              ;section declaration

             ;we must export the entry point to the ELF linker or
     global _start       ;loader. They conventionally recognize _start as their
             ;entry point. Use ld -e foo to override the default.


 ;write our string to stdout

         mov     edx,len ;third argument: message length
         mov     ecx,msg ;second argument: pointer to message to write
         mov     ebx,1   ;first argument: file handle (stdout)
         mov     eax,4   ;system call number (sys_write)
         int     0x80   ;call kernel

  ;and exit

     mov    ebx,0   ;first syscall argument: exit code
         mov     eax,1   ;system call number (sys_exit)
         int     0x80   ;call kernel


i386 architecture of input file  hello.o  is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output


<代码>nasm -hf 指挥应当给你现有的产出格式:

valid output formats for -f are (`*  denotes default):
  * bin       flat-form binary files (e.g. DOS .COM, .SYS)
    ith       Intel hex
    srec      Motorola S-records
    aout      Linux a.out object files
    aoutb     NetBSD/FreeBSD a.out object files
    coff      COFF (i386) object files (e.g. DJGPP for DOS)
    elf32     ELF32 (i386) object files (e.g. Linux)
    elf       ELF (short name for ELF32) 
    elf64     ELF64 (x86_64) object files (e.g. Linux)
    as86      Linux as86 (bin86 version 0.3) object files
    obj       MS-DOS 16-bit/32-bit OMF object files
    win32     Microsoft Win32 (i386) object files
    win64     Microsoft Win64 (x86-64) object files
    rdf       Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format v2.0
    ieee      IEEE-695 (LADsoft variant) object file format
    macho32   NeXTstep/OpenStep/Rhapsody/Darwin/MacOS X (i386) object files
    macho     MACHO (short name for MACHO32)
    macho64   NeXTstep/OpenStep/Rhapsody/Darwin/MacOS X (x86_64) object files
    dbg       Trace of all info passed to output stage

I see that your linked tutorial asks you to run:

nasm -f elf hello.asm


nasm -f elf64 hello.asm

相反,你可以找到<代码>ld。 停止投诉投入文件。



ld -m elf_i386 -s -o hello hello.o

How to compile, link, and run a nasm app on Ubuntu 64 bit.

<>Install nasm:

sudo apt-get install nasm

<Save a file with filename hello.asm:

section .data
  hello:     db  Hello world! ,10    ;  Hello world!  plus a linefeed character
  helloLen:  equ $-hello             ; Length of the  Hello world!  string
                                     ; (I ll explain soon)

section .text
  global _start

  mov eax,4            ; The system call for write (sys_write)
  mov ebx,1            ; File descriptor 1 - standard output
  mov ecx,hello        ; Put the offset of hello in ecx
  mov edx,helloLen     ; helloLen is a constant, so we don t need to say
                       ;  mov edx,[helloLen] to get it s actual value
  int 80h              ; Call the kernel

  mov eax,1            ; The system call for exit (sys_exit)
  mov ebx,0            ; Exit with return code of 0 (no error)
  int 80h

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Compile it:

nasm -f elf64 hello.asm


ld -s -o hello hello.o

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 页: 1

el@apollo:~$ ./hello
Hello world!

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 它发挥作用! 现在是什么? 要求贵方编辑制作通常通过成机代码的大会代码。 谷歌搜索:“构造”

<>Perspective: 如今,所有的人都试图冲淡和为公众取走通用计算方法,因此,我们必须向新学生教授如何从核心原则上建立通用机器的概念,用光金属,最后是集聚器和节目制作语言。

How does learning assembly aid in programming? 99% of computer programs out there are 10 to 100 times slower than they could optimized to be only because programmers don t know what delays are being forced on them by their favorite high level compiler or interpreter.

彻底了解这里的全部内容意味着,你可以强迫您的方案,使那些仅用纳米镜头来做手头工作的财产受到审查。 时间=金钱。 因此,这种了解如何抹去那些需要比几个纳米秒长才能完成节省时间、因此需要钱的东西。

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >< > > > > > >< > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

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