I am trying to play m4a(http://a1.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/020/Music/ad/41/da/mzm.fkekhvue.aac.p.m4a) file from iTunes affiliates using AvAudioPlayer but can not able to play it. I think there is issue with the link because i have downloaded the audio then rename it and hosted on my server then i am able to play it.
I have tried it with Web-View then i am able to play it. But i want to play using AvAudioPlayer. When i tried to get the data from the link then also not able to get correct data.
Also i am not able to play using UIWebView or MoviePlayer(It is working on simulator but not in iPhone device). And very interesting is not able to play in safari app also.
I am using iTunes affiliate search api(e.g. http://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStoreServices.woa/wa/wsSearch?term=jack+johnson.)
Any idea?
Thanks, Dipen Patel